BEAR Binder

B.E.A.R. Binders

What is a B.E.A.R Binder?/Que es el B.E.A.R. Binder?

  • A 1 1/2 inch 3-ring binder / Una carpeta
  • Everything students and parents need is in it./ Todo lo que los estudiantes y padres necesitan estará en la carpeta.
  • It is designed to prevent wrinkled papers in the bottom of the backpack./ Esta diseñada para que los papeles no se arrugen.
  • It helps to avoid lost notes, newsletters, or assignments. . / Ayuda a prevenir notas perdidas, cartas y tareas.

Why is it important to have?/ Por qué es importante tenerla?

  • Teaches organizational skills./ Enseña destrezas de organización.
  • Promotes and organizes communication between school and home./ Promueve y organiza la communicacion entre la escuela y la casa.

What should students do with their B.E.A.R. Binder?/ Que los estudiantes deben de hacer con sus carpetas?

  • Take care of it, as it is used all year./ Cuidar la carpeta por que será usada todo el año.
  • Check every section every school night./Favor de revisar cada sección todas las noches.
  • Clear out the old stuff (from old units, month-old newsletters, word lists, notes, etc.). NOTE: Students should always check if not sure whether to keep or throw something away. / Revisar los papeles viejos que puedan
  • sacar de la carperta.
  • Take it home daily. Bring it to school daily. / Llevar la carpeta a la casa y traerla todos los días.
  • Keep it clean. / Mantenerla limpia.
  • Show to parents every school night. They will be impressed with your organizational skills. You are so responsible!/ Enseñarle a los padres sus trabajos todas la noches. Ellos estarán sorprendidos con tus destrezas de organización.

What is in the B.E.A.R. Binder? Que está en el B.E.A.R. Binder?

  • Front Cover : Each child will receive a cover sheet for the front sleeve of the B.E.A.R.Binder.
  • Front Pocket: The front inside pocket will contain homework notebook.
  • School Calendar: For your convenience you can plan ahead teacher’s conferences, modified days, etc. / Para su convenienza puede planear conferencias con las maestras, modificar dias , ect.
  • Teacher/Parent Communication: Notes from teachers or parents./ Notas de la maestras o de los padres.
  • Reading Pocket: Here you will find books and activities that we are doing in Guided Reading. Please review it every day and complete any activity. Any activity will be due the following week. Books need to be in the pocket everyday./ Aquí encontrerá libros y actividades que estamos utilizando en el centro de lectura supervizada. Favor de completar las actividades y traer el libro todos los días. Las actividades podran devolverlas a la semana siguiente.
  • Homework Folder: Assignments that are to be finished at home. This is also where to place completed work that we did in the classroom./ Las tareas que deben ser completadas diariamente. Tambien trabajos que hemos terminado en clase.
  • Home and School Communication Folder: Newsletters, PTA letters, flyers from the school, school calendar, etc. / Noticias, cartas del PTA, calendarios, ect.