Star Binder

S.T.A.R. Binder

(Student Taking Academic Responsibility)


What is a S.T.A.R. Binder?/Que es el S.T.A.R. Binder?

  • A 1 or1½ inch, 3-ring binder / Una carpeta de una pulgada y media.
  • Everything students and parents need is in it. / Todo lo que los estudiantes y padres necesitan estará en la carpeta.
  • It is designed to prevent wrinkled papers in the bottom of the backpack.      / Esta diseñada para que los papeles no se arrugen.
  • It helps to avoid lost notes, newsletters, or assignments.  / Ayuda a prevenir notas perdidas, cartas y tareas.

Why is it important to have? / Por qué es importante tenerla?

  • Teaches organizational skills. / Enseña destrezas de organización.
  • Promotes and organizes communication between school and home. / Promueve y organiza la communicación entre la escuela y la casa.

What should students do with their S.T.A.R. Binder? / Que los estudiantes deben de hacer con sus carpetas?

  • Take care of it, as it is used all year. / Cuidar la carpeta por que será usada todo el año.
  • Check every section every school night. / Favor de revisar cada sección todas las noches.
  • Clear out the old stuff (from old units, month-old newsletters, word lists, notes, etc.). NOTE: Students should always check if not sure whether to keep or throw something away. /  Revisar los papeles viejos que puedan
  •   sacar de la carperta.
  • Take it home daily. Bring it to school daily. / Llevar la carpeta a la casa y traerla todos los días.
  • Keep it clean. / Mantenerla limpia.
  • Show to parents every school night. They will be impressed with your organizational skills. You are so responsible!/ Enseñarle a los padres sus trabajos todas la noches. Ellos estarán sorprendidos con tus destrezas de organización.

What is in the S.T.A.R. Binder? Que está en el S.T.A.R. Binder?

  • Front Cover : Each child will receive a cover sheet for the front sleeve of the S.T.A.R.  Binder.
  • Front Pocket: The front inside pocket will contain the important papers and special projects.
  • Money and Notes Pouch: This pencil pouch will house notes “for the teacher” and notes “for parents” - - it is also an ideal place to put money for book orders, lunch and field trips.  
  • Teacher/Parent Communication: Notes from teachers or parents./ Notas de la maestras o de los padres.
  • Homework Pocket: Assignments that are to be finished at home. This is also where to place completed work that we did in the classroom./ Las tareas que deben ser completadas diariamente. Tambien trabajos que hemos terminado en clase.
  • Home and School Communication Folder: Newsletters, PTA letters, flyers from the school, school calendar, etc. / Noticias, cartas del PTA, calendarios, ect.